New APIs and A New User Interface for Central Bedfordshire Council

Following a successful launch of the brand-new user interface with our Australian clients last year it is time to bring forth the enhanced customer journey for our UK clients. An exciting user group took place last July in which we revealed the new interface to the UK – with clients eagerly anticipating the launch of the new user interface and subsequent APIs. 

Central Bedfordshire Council is the first of the UK clients to go live with the new system – already receiving positive responses from end users both internal and partnership organisations. The development of these enhanced APIs has streamlined the booking process, making that customer journey even more simple than it was before - providing full access to all aspects of the Zipporah system whether it's the booking processes, managing bookings, or interrogation of data through the back end of the system. 

The main aim is to provide a surrounding set of interfaces to the system to deliver all of the intelligence and logic of the Zipporah system while giving a multitude of methods to access the solution from either the unified calendar booking approach showcasing resources in a ‘card’ format, to the interactive graphical floor plan which utilises replica blue prints of your spaces to allow the booker to choose a room/desk from an interactive map.

Zipporah officially launched the new user interface back in October 2023 receiving positive feedback from end users and staff members alike. 

We’ll be keeping you up to date on all the latest upgrades as we launch with more councils over the next few months so check back here weekly for new and exciting news stories from Zipporah. 

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